Our Clients

Our clients are diverse: equipment manufacturers, distributors, utilities, great engineering companies, energy service companies, software and telecom engineering companies..VDI understands their needs, adapting its services and providing solutions with a clear objective, the creation of VALUE.

Case studies

VDI develops its own Smart Grid technology based solutions. Our team has extensive experience in R & D and integral management of electronic product development, from conceptual stages to manufacturing, including industrial and consumer products with diverse volume productions. Actually participating on Natconsumers project, to help consumers to reduce their electric consumption.


A new EC directive proposal is focused on energy savings and energy efficiency. The set of measures includes improvements in 3% of public buildings every year and bringing access to domestic consumers to their consumption data. It is also remarked that a 40% of savings has been obtained in projects for home energy monitors and Web or Smartphone based load management.


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